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The Sometimes Daughter

Sherri Wood Emmons, acclaimed author of Prayers and Lies, explores the complex ...
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Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

Created: 03/11/12

Replies: 6

Posted Mar. 11, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

Posted Mar. 12, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/16/11

Posts: 410

RE: Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

I feel that Judy is so scared and really needs an adult to talk to and since her Mom is unavailable as usual and her Father is just too hard for her to talk to about something like this Treva is the logical choice. She has gradually come to realize that Treva is really good for her father and has been consistantly kind and supportive of herself so though she is really nervous about it all, Treva is her best option for help.

Posted Mar. 12, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/10

Posts: 84

RE: Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

Until Judy tells Treva, I thought there was a good chance that she would tell Cassie. I thought it would be a way for them to reconcile. When she told Treva, I realized that this was the last moment that Judy and Cassie had to heal their relationship. Because Judy decided to embrace Treva has a "mother" at this point, she made the final break with Cassie.

Posted Mar. 13, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/28/11

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RE: Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

I think Cassie was scared and needed someone she could tell about this. She was too afraid that anyone else she told would walk out on her like her mother did. At that moment in time, her relationship with Treva was tenuous enough that she didn't care if Treva walked out or not and this was a good test of whether she would be someone she could turn to in a crisis or whether this would just be another person who would walk out on her.

Posted Mar. 15, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/14/12

Posts: 6

RE: Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

She may have acted tough but she was still a scared 16 year old and she so desperately wanted a mother figure to go with her. I too thought if Cassie had turned up she would have asked her to go, they would bond, and live happily ever after. But having Treva go with her fit the plot much better and a prelude to the realization that they were in fact a family. But it bothered me that did not seem to think through having an abortion vs. adoption. I would think it is a much more heart rending choice.

Posted Mar. 16, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/16/12

Posts: 136

RE: Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

I disagree that this could have been a healing event between Judy and Cassie. I also don't think she reached out to Treva because she was the only adult female available to her. Judy knew her mother was totally unreliable and I think that her decision not to go to her mother is a testament to that. It would be very difficult for her to have gone to her father whereas Treva was her safe and maybe her only choice. Treva's ability to jump in and be the mother Judy had never had would be the bridge that would bring Judy acceptance of Treva in hers and her father's life.

Posted Mar. 20, 2012 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/20/10

Posts: 63

RE: Why do you think Judy decides to tell Treva about her pregnancy?

I feel that Judy didn't plan to tell Treva. It seemed to be an uncontrollable impulse. The secret was eating away at Judy, and she needed to tell someone. Treva was in the right place at the right time.


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