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Paperback or hardcover? Used or new? Let’s talk about our book habits

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Paperback or hardcover? Used or new? Let’s talk about our book habits

Jul 29 2023

Book critic Michael Dirda shares 29 of his rules for reading. They are not hard and fast.

Over time, all readers acquire an array of personal, often bizarrely eccentric rules and routines that govern — or warp — how they interact with the printed word. For example, some people will buy only crisp, new trade paperbacks and wouldn’t touch a used book on a bet. Fear of cooties, perhaps. Do you remove the dust jacket when you sit down with a novel? I always do. Can you read (or write) while listening to music? I find this impossible, which is why you’ll never see me working at a coffee shop. What follows is a list, in no particular order, of some of my other reading habits and “crotchets,” to use an old-fashioned term. Perhaps you will recognize a few of your own...

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