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There are currently 35 member reviews
for The Swimming Pool
Erica M. (Chicago, IL)
The Swimming Pool
I had a real problem with the contrivances used to move this plot forward. In part it was a moral issue - my own personal morals; in part the contrivances were just too convenient. On the whole, though, the twists made the reading interesting enough to keep me going to the end and I found I enjoyed the story more by the end than I thought I would. The author has an excellent command of language and description - my problem was with the story, not the writing.
Angelina A. (New York, NY)
History repeating
A lovely first novel that sets up a question from the beginning that unravels as you read. The descriptions and character development pull you in and get you to read quickly through without putting it down.
Susan B. (Rutledge, MO)
good writing, but not my cup of tea
On the positive side, I think The Swimming Pool is a very well-written novel, and I found it interesting enough to keep reading to the end. On the less-positive side, I finished the book feeling I should have enjoyed it more. I didn’t care about most of the characters, and couldn’t identify with them or their choices. You might enjoy this book if you enjoy suspense, sexual tension, well-written “spicy bits” (though there aren’t all that many of them), and getting into the heads of characters who are obsessed with their sex-interests and secrets.
Janice M. (Holland, MI)
The Swimming Pool by Holly LeCraw
How long would you keep a secret for someone? This story is about keeping the truth from coming out - with some terrible consequences. It has a murder, a mystery, a romance, adultery and attempted suicide and once you begin reading The Swimming Pool it will be hard to put the book down. The characters in the story seem like people you would see in any town and it made me wonder what lies beneath the surface of the people I see when I am in public. This will make a great book club and beach read.
Mary S. (Hilton Head Island, SC)
Unanswered Questions
Wow! I found the first 50 or so pages of the book somewhat disorganized -- needs more editing as to voice, character,etc. However, about halfway through the book, I couldn't put it down. Even after finishing the book, I still have questions about who did the dastardly deed. At one minute I think she did, the next, he did. Good book for discussion as I am sure there will be many opinions about the ending. Better than I originally thought it would be!
Marjorie W. (Bonita Springs, FL)
The Swimming Pool by Holly LeCraw
What an engrossing read! I can imagine sitting on the beach and staying too long. The author developed the characters, with all of their faults, into a very suspenseful story. At times I felt annoyed with certain characters; often I felt sympathy for one of the other - but it certainly held my attention. I believe it would be a good book for discussion and I will recommend it to my book club.
Carol G. (Little Egg Harbor, NJ)
The Swimming Pool
As an Italian American and spending many summers at the Cape, the book was thoroughly enjoying. The book was easy to get into and held one's interest - 2 things important to me and for recommending books as a Book Club Leader. The book should be enjoyable for most age groups. I read a lot of Debut novels and this one hit the spot.