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There are currently 22 member reviews
for In Every Mirror She's Black
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RE: Autobiographical?
Not every author started out as an author! She could have been any of those things. or something else. But being a Black woman in Sweden gives her an interesting perspective on the main characters.
Kathy Ann
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RE: Autobiographical?
This was interesting in the regards to the autobiographical elements, but it does not feel completely autobiographical as the author is a travel writer and not a corporate executive, airline stewardess, or a refugee immigrant. All immigrants feel some degree of outsideness when moving to a new culture so that may be the autobiographical link.
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RE: What did you find different about ...
While I think that countries other than the US have a better track record with refugees, my perception of Sweden in the past has been that it was a very "white" country which led me to think that it would not be a very good place for refugees either. I'm not black and I've never been overseas, so my perceptions are colored by what I consume. But I believe that there is racism everywhere, against people that are different that the majority of the people in each country.
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RE: The significance of the title
Racism is a problem everywhere, not just in America.
“You shouldn’t have come here,” Godwin concluded. “At least in America, you’re fighting your enemy in broad daylight.”
I think the title, In Every Mirror She's Black speaks to the issues being present everywhere both geographically and culturally.
Jessica F
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RE: Why do you think Muna's ...
I agree with beckyd. Everyone Muna associated with was also a refugee. Each person has to move and make changes that suit their needs.
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RE: Overall, what did you think of In ...
I loved this book. Characters were fascinating. Seeing American issues in a Baltic country was eye opening.
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RE: Overall, what did you think of In ...
I enjoyed reading about the 3 different characters that were different, and yet the same. Their experiences were different but yet the same. Different women with experiencing the same underlying problem because of what the represented.