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There are currently 16 member reviews
for The Last Bridge
Patricia D. (Frankfort, IL)
An After School Special for Adults
In a suicide note to her daughter the mother writes "he isn't who you think he is". The rest of the story describes the daughter's attempts to figure out and come to terms with what that short sentence meant. Although I read the book in a day I can't say that it was a great read. It did keep me turning the pages, but in many ways the ending was predictable. I could envision this being made into a Lifetime TV movie of the week. If you're looking for something to read at the beach, this book would definitely qualify, but if you're looking for something more satisfying, read Burnt Shadows.
Peggy H. (North East, PA)
TV Movie Fodder
I will admit that I read the entire book in one evening, it is a compelling, easy read. Within the first 50 pages, I had it categorized--this will definitely be a chick TV movie. We have seen the scenario in many slightly varied forms--abuse, rape, coming of age love, and what isn't predictable in this book, sometimes doesn't ring true. The characters are well wrought, and the initial premise with the suicide is intriguing. So...take this book to the beach, or sit in a hammock and enjoy.