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Don't You Ever Interrupt Me While I'm Readin' a Book

At last, a theme song for all of us who'd rather not be interrupted when reading a book!

"Don't You Ever Interrupt Me While I'm Readin' a Book" by prolific YouTuber Julian Smith...

I can't believe it,but my 60-year-old soul LOVES this song!I wish I could have written it!
# Posted By Mary | 1/28/11 10:42 AM
YES! My theme song!
# Posted By PDXReader | 1/29/11 12:48 PM
This is hilarious ... now if I could just get the cats to understand!
# Posted By frogprof | 2/3/11 8:20 AM
I found it scary and disturbing! As a teacher, I could NEVER show that to a class.
# Posted By carol peregoy | 2/10/11 11:46 AM
Tremendous! Now don't bug me...
# Posted By Michael LIttle | 2/13/11 6:55 AM
Great beat but totally creepy!!!
# Posted By Gail | 2/19/11 12:26 PM
I love the title, but it's not the up-lifting "joy in reading" kind of song I expected. I agree with the teacher - too hostile to show to kids or book-loving adults.
# Posted By dht923nh | 2/23/11 8:19 AM
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