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Top 2015 Book Club Recommendations - Part 2

Looking for the perfect books for your book club to read this year and into 2016? Look no further!

In December last year we published the first half of our Top Reads for Book Clubs in 2015 list, covering books that had published (or were due to publish) in paperback from late 2014 to early 2015.

Now, here is part 2 - with the very best book club reads from Spring to Fall 2015. All books are available in paperback and ebook. All received 5 star reviews from BookBrowse, and almost all have reading guides.

Of course, these aren't just for book clubs, they make great reading for all who enjoy well written books that provoke good conversation, and tell you things about this wonderful world of ours you didn't before!

The books are categorized into:

  • Moral Dilemmas
  • Historic USA
  • The Chinese-American Experience
  • The Golden Years
  • Historic Europe
  • Generational Sagas
  • Page-Turning Nonfiction
  • Books for Younger Readers



Go Set a Watchman Resonates With Me

Go Set a WatchmanI pre-ordered Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee some time ago. It arrived Tuesday evening. I read it yesterday, in one sitting. I've also read many, many reviews and commentaries. Here are my Thursday morning thoughts:

Although GSaW was actually written before To Kill a Mockingbird most reviewers have spoken about it as a sequel since it deals with events that occur decades later. They seem to feel betrayed by the fact that the Atticus Finch they had so revered is shown to be a racist. I'm really puzzled by this reaction. Style and point of view aside I would expect that readers -- people I hold in the highest esteem and who, because they are readers after all -- would be among the first to understand the concepts of cognitive dissonance and character complexity.


Books for Summer Reading

Dear BookBrowsers,

We know you love books as much as we do. You read voraciously all year long. Why then should summer get all the reading love you ask?

Maybe it has something to do with the days that stretch on forever that feel indulgent enough for you to linger just a while longer in the pages of a book. Maybe it's because you can tote along three or maybe five books on your vacation, or even your entire library on an e-reader. Maybe it's because practically nothing else (with the exception of say, a dog) makes a better hammock companion. Maybe summer's the perfect time for a guilty reading pleasure or two.

The reasons for summer reading are plenty. And we've got a healthy set of paperback recommendations (which are, of course, all available as ebooks) to take you through the season. They're perfect to tote along to the beach and engaging enough to keep you there long after the sun has gone down. And for the next few weeks you can read our reviews and beyond the book articles for the full dozen for free. Cheers to sunshine and happy reading!


Best July Books

Traditionally the summer months were slow times for new books, but in today's always-on world seasonal differences are less pronounced and it was a struggle to decide which ten books to feature as particularly notable from our list of July's best books (see best books coming soon). Interestingly, and entirely inadvertently, three of them have aviation as a theme - from the very early days of flight, to the space program of the late '40s through '60s, and into the distant future.


A Dozen Uplifting Books for Book Clubs

We love all types of books but sometimes it's time for a read that doesn't weigh us down too heavily, that lifts our spirits and yet reaches beyond melodramatic cliches. They might not always be "happy" books but the journey is uplifting and worthwhile. Here are a dozen fiction and nonfiction recommendations for exactly this type of book - books that are rewarding to read and discuss, that feel good without feeling mushy. It's a fine line to walk but we believe these do so effectively and will add a heartwarming touch to your book club gatherings.


Best Books for Fathers Day 2015

Dear BookBrowsers,

As we know, Dads come in all stripes. There are the ones who anoint themselves King Of the Grill and flaunt their culinary skills with their barbecue magic, some others who find nothing more refreshing than a day out on the golf course, and yet others who use Father's Day as a free pass to tinker away in their workshops. Most Dads we know are a combination of all of these, but best of all are the ones who love to get absorbed in a good book. Keeping every kind of father in mind, we have culled ten intelligent recommendations to make his day extra special. And if you're a Dad, Happy Father's Day! Hope it is filled with happy times with family -- and great reading.


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