Fall Sale! Join BookBrowse today and discover exceptional books for only $3 / Month.

Art and Literature - The Antidotes to Cruelty and Prejudice

"Thanks to art, instead of seeing only one world and time period, our own, we see it multiplied and can peer into other times, other worlds which offer windows to other lives. Each time we enter imaginatively into the life of another, it's a small step upwards in the elevation of the human race.


Three "Not to Miss" Fall First Novels

Over the last few years we've discovered many exceptional books through BookBrowse's "First Impressions" program, including these three Fall debut novels which our members are particularly enthusiastic about:


Borders Fatal Mistake - And How It Could Have Been Avoided

Much has been said about the reasons for the demise of Borders, but Raymond Rose's article in last week's Publishers Weekly really hit the nail on the head for me. He writes,

"My sorrow isn't for the death of this company but for its employees. They're the real victims here. In my store, we had an amazing group. There was the elementary school teacher who worked every weekend and made the most magical children's recommendations; the young woman who could guide both newbies and skilled knitters alike through the needlecraft books; the tattooed graduate student who could talk your ear off about Thomas Hobbes... or Batman, your choice; and the spitfire supervisor who could hunt down the perfect mystery novel. That's just five people in my store. Imagine the number of original, talented people in the other 600-plus stores that have closed or will close later this year...


Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick - Book Trailer

It's rare that a book trailer catches my eye, but this one for Wonderstruck, Brian Selznick's follow up to The Adventures of Hugo Cabret, is great as it gives both a sense of the uniqueness of the book and the author behind it...


USA World Book Night Confirmed: April 23, 2012

It's official, World Book Night is coming to the USA next year! The event will take place on April 23, which is widely recognized as the International Day of the Book.

The first ever World Book Night was held in the UK last year and was a great success. In the lead up to the event, members of the public were invited to request their favorite books from a selection of 25 titles. Those who requested successfully were sent a box of 48 specially printed copies of a single title to give away. On World Book Night, about 20,000 book lovers gave away 40,000 copies of 25 books for a total of one million copies!


The Simple Brilliance of Liter of Light

Millions of people live in shantytowns across the world, many in corrugated-iron-roofed shacks with no windows. This leaves the residents with the choice of living in complete darkness or running expensive electric bulbs (if electricity is even available to them).

Liter of Light has a solution which is so mind-bogglingly simple that it is pure brilliance:


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