The First (and Last) Lines of Iconic Books

The first line of a book is a written invitation addressed to the reader. If the reader likes the invitation, they read on. If they don't like it, they close the book and read something else. Finding the best combination of words for that first line can take a while. Some authors devote months of time to develop the opening line of their book. Stephen King, for example, recently revealed that he has spent months, even years, crafting his opening sentences.

Though finding the perfect first line is crucial, formulating the closing sentence is arguably as important. While first lines set the tone for the story, the last sentence brings the book to a close and leaves readers with a lasting impression. Invaluable have created a visual that details the opening and closing lines from famous novels. Have you looked at the first and last lines of your favorite reads?

Take a look at these literary beginnings and endings and learn something new from these iconic stories.

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