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Culture Corner: A Monster Calls and Elena Ferrante

This is week two of our new "Culture Corner" feature, in which we suggest up to five ideas to keep your cultural horizons expanding during the pandemic:

  • Watch The Royal Opera House's performance of The Cellist, "a lyrical memoir of the momentous life of the cellist Jacqueline du PrĂ©."
    (available May 29 - June 11)
  • Listen to a 6-minute Ted Talk on the importance of shopping at farmers' markets.
  • Register for an exclusive advance reading from Elena Ferrante's upcoming novel, Our Brilliant Friends (June 9).
  • For all the family: Watch The Old Vic's production of A Monster Calls, adapted from Patrick Ness's children's novel (available June 5 - 11).
  • Also for all the family: Enjoy J.K. Rowling's new fairy tale, The Ickabog, which is being released in daily installments of one to three chapters through July 10.

Also, check out our ""beyond the book" articles that explore a historical, cultural or contextual aspect of every book we feature.

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