A Summary of the BookBrowse Site Update and Rebrand

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Hello BookBrowsers! As you probably noticed, we've updated the BookBrowse site and branding.  While we will be ironing out the kinks over the next several weeks (and please do contact us if you see something that looks odd) it's important to us that we share why we've made these changes.

First, improving BookBrowse's accessibility.  While accessibility is a never ending journey,  we have made meaningful progress in improving the readability of page text and the navigability of the site.

We're also encouraging as many readers as possible to visit and browse the site.  We updated our site look and feel to increase trust with readers, the majority of whom (based on our stats of returning vs. new visitors) are visiting for the first time.  This is particularly important for library patrons - BookBrowse offers a library subscription with embeddable apps, and we received fair feedback from our subscribing libraries that our prior style clashed with the look and feel of their websites.  In order to fulfill our mission of being "your guide to exceptional books, providing you with all you need to know about the books that matter," we needed to update our style to reflect what readers expect an authoritative guide to look like.

The good news for our long time members is that almost all of the site functionality has stayed the same.  The few significant updates are:

1. A hidden search bar.  We want site visitors to browse the site vs relying on search - the old search bar took up a disproportionate amount of space on the site.  To access the search bar, simply click the magnifying glass icon in the menu bar, and then you can use it as you normally would.

2. An enhanced mobile experience.  The prior mobile experience had a few issues that we've fixed.  We're also increasing the visibility of our First Impressions and Book Club programs, which we realized weren't getting the recognition they deserved on mobile - they're now at the top of the screen for book pages.

3. Updated top blocks for our brief and review pages.  We removed some details in order to make the block easier to read.  The most significant change is removing the genre link in the top book block from reviewed books, but that is still accessible via the overview bar above the top book block:

4. The author page is removed from the top menu.  We didn't see high usage of this page.  Author Interviews are now located at the bottom of our Articles submenu, while author pronunciations have moved under our Literary Fun submenu.

And finally, we decided that it was worth updating the much beloved BookBrowse logo in order for the site to feel fully cohesive.  We sent a logo survey to our members and were overwhelmed with their thoughtfulness and insight - more than 20% of members responded!  We know that this quote sums up the feelings of many of our long time members, some of whom have been with us for more than a decade: "I will be sad to see this really great logo depart. It cheers me whenever I see it, knowing I’m about to dive into a rare, happy, smart place!"

That being said, the majority of our members chose a version of our new logo as the winner, and we incorporated all of our members feedback to arrive at our final version. As one member wrote, "I love that the 'sunny logo' provides continuity from the old logo while emphasizing a new dawning or understanding provided through reading.  It's also easy to read--simple & clean!"

We are incredibly thankful to all of our members and subscribing libraries for supporting BookBrowse and choosing to spend your time with us.  We hope that these updates show our commitment to being your guide to exceptional books.

With thanks,

Davina and Nick,

Founder and Publisher

I love Book Browse but I miss the old look—the white background is glaring and stark. High-contrast is not good for our eyes, I understand.
# Posted By Janice | 7/21/24 11:10 AM
Hi Janice, thanks for your feedback! We did a lot of research around accessibility and eye strain when thinking through the colors, what we found is that while it depends on individual experience, generally high contrast is better for eyestrain, but if your screen is too bright based on your brightness settings or if you're looking at a bright screen in a dark room, then that could strain your eyes more.

# Posted By Nick | 7/21/24 11:39 AM
Love the new site! Makes finding everything so much easier. I used to go crazy when trying to leave a book review. It seems so much easier. I haven’t used that feature yet, so stay tuned!??
# Posted By Arlene Iannazzi | 7/22/24 6:38 AM
Love the new look! Logo is perfect! BookBrowse certainly brightens a reader's day. Thank you for what we have enjoyed in the past and now for the additions. I always set aside plenty of time to connect to all. Don't want to miss anything. It's a magical site for a reader.
# Posted By Ann F Zeigler | 7/23/24 11:22 AM
I love the new look of BookBrowse specially the white background and semi dark lettering. So much easier for me to read. With AMD this helps me to enjoy BookBrowse even more. Love the new layout - I feel it is easier to find what I'm looking for. Of course, the information is there that we all want to read. I have always liked BookBrowse - lots of information - love the new look!!!
# Posted By Joan | 7/25/24 6:12 AM
The website is easier to use, especially when searching for a book. The one thing I miss is the number of pages in the book listed on the screen. This was very helpful in selecting books. We have a maximum of 400 pages. The genre being at the bottom is ok. We love the Beyond the Book articles. I hope you reconsider and add the number of pages to the book description.
# Posted By Cheryl Nabors | 8/3/24 9:14 AM
Hi Cheryl, thanks for flagging that! That was an oversight on our part - we've added back the page numbers to our reviewed book descriptions.

If you'd like to be able to quickly see all books that have less than 400 pages we have filters for page count here: https://www.bookbrowse.com/category/ under subgenre / theme
# Posted By Nick | 8/4/24 7:48 AM
The rebrand and new website look fantastic. Will you be sending new promo materials to library subscribers so that we can share them with our patrons?
# Posted By Allison | 8/8/24 6:25 AM
Hi Allison - yes! All subscribing libraries can request new print materials, you can see the options at https://www.bookbrowse.com/lib/info/ and you can reach out to me at nick[at]bookbrowse.com.
# Posted By Nick | 8/8/24 5:45 PM
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