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Culture Corner: Black Composers and National Ballet Classes

Each week, we're sharing cultural experiences you can access from home during the pandemic, such as online concerts, theater and art. This week we suggest:

  • Gloria: A Life, a play about Gloria Steinem, one of the most inspiring women of the feminist movement, on PBS Great Performances (June 26 - July 24)
  • A virtual tour of The Sistine Chapel (with not a tourist in sight); and then listen to a clip from Allegri's Miserere, part of the first ever public recording made from the Sistine Chapel in 2015.
  • [More]

Culture Corner: Fleabag, George Eliot and Handel

Each week, we're sharing cultural experiences you can access from home during the pandemic, such as online concerts, theater and art. This week we suggest:

Culture Corner: Dali, Disney and a Dream

Each week, we're sharing cultural experiences you can access from home during the pandemic, such as online concerts, theater and art. This week we suggest:

  • Salvador Dalí & Walt Disney's Short Animated Film, Destino, set to "Time,"from Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album.
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (available June 15-28).
  • [More]

Culture Corner: Alan Bennett and Nina Simone

Each week, we're sharing cultural experiences you can access from home during the pandemic, such as online concerts, theater and art. This week we suggest:

Culture Corner: A Monster Calls and Elena Ferrante

This is week two of our new "Culture Corner" feature, in which we suggest up to five ideas to keep your cultural horizons expanding during the pandemic:

  • Watch The Royal Opera House's performance of The Cellist, "a lyrical memoir of the momentous life of the cellist Jacqueline du Pré."
    (available May 29 - June 11)
  • Listen to a 6-minute Ted Talk on the importance of shopping at farmers' markets.
  • Register for an exclusive advance reading from Elena Ferrante's upcoming novel, Our Brilliant Friends (June 9).
  • [More]

Culture Corner: A Streetcar Named Desire and the Dutch Golden Age

Culture Corner

This week we're launching a new feature on the BookBrowse Blog. The idea behind "Culture Corner" is that during the time of COVID-19 (with the accompanying restrictions of movement and social distancing, and with most libraries, museums and theaters closed) cultural activities have been restricted for all of us. So, how do we cross this cultural abyss?

Books provide a wonderful escape, and an opportunity to learn and grow - and we have plenty of recommendations at BookBrowse! But there are other ways to keep our cultural horizons expanding during this difficult time. So for at least the next couple of months we will provide you with three to five weekly suggestions beyond the immediate world of books. Without more ado, here are this week's ideas:


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