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All the Ugly and Wonderful Things

"A powerful, provocative debut ... Intelligent, honest, and unsentimental." - ...
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Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

Created: 09/10/17

Replies: 23

Posted Sep. 10, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

What is the dynamic between Wavy and Kellen as husband and wife at the end? Who do you see as the decision maker? Who do you think will be the moral compass? What other roles have they taken on, and how comfortable are they in those roles? Considering their backgrounds, how likely are they to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

Posted Sep. 30, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
bestmartin's Gravatar

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I'm rooting for them. I think they've both been through so much and seen the worst in people and chosen to be different. I think they have as good a chance as many people to have a healthy relationship.

Posted Sep. 30, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Carol Rainer

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

As their love story developed, they went through many difficulties and weathered them all in time. All we know is that they loved each other enough to go through all they did to seal their love in marriage. As for the future, it is impossible to know. I do hope, though, that they are successful in living out their lives being man and wife.

Posted Oct. 01, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/12/11

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think they will be successful in creating and maintaining a healthy, lasting relationship because they have two essential ingredients in any relationship--love and trust.

Posted Oct. 01, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think that because of what they have gone through, their love will prevail and they will succeed.

Posted Oct. 02, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/30/17

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think Wavy and Kellen would have a very good chance of creating a happy life together. Over time, the age difference would be negligible. Wavy was good with numbers and very smart and both she and Kellen were hard workers, so I believe financially they would have been secure. Their love and commitment to one another would continue to see them through any troubles that lie ahead. I do think they would have some struggles with the "healthy" aspect, as there were some severe abuse and violence issues that would not just disappear. I believe, however, that they would help each other through as best possible, which is not unlike any other couple.

Posted Oct. 02, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/16/16

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think Wavy and Kellen would have a good chance of making a relationship work because they know what not to do from being witness to such poor marriages. All marriages are hard and have ups and downs, but Wavy and Kellen seem to truly love and trust each other. They have already been through much together.

Posted Oct. 02, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/28/11

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

Great question! I think their relationship has been strong for a number of years... even if other's don't "get" it - eventually the age won't be as much of an issue. The roommate was supportive, and I'm sure eventually they will find other friends and their own community. Even though neither have experience with healthy relationships, their commitment to each other is enduring and has been through many tests.

Posted Oct. 02, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/01/11

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think they have as good a chance as any couple. Every couple has challenges and, really, what is normal. Wavy is the intelligent one and will probably be the main breadwinner. If they can each be confident in their role, they have a good chance.

Posted Oct. 02, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/29/16

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

Their bond never faltered even with all they went through. I don't see why they couldn't make it work together. They may be unconventional, but they are survivors. Even when Wavy was a child, she recognized her life was not normal or good. She turned to the only person she could trust and never wavered. That is a pretty good indicator of her commitment. Kellen tried to do what was best for her too. I think they will make it.

Posted Oct. 02, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/06/17

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

Define healthy? Define normal? If you look at the facts on paper, the answer would most certainly be not very likely. Yet, in spite of his growing up years, Kellen accomplished more than anyone expected him to to begin with. He owned a home, owned a legitimate business, and cared deeply that Wavy was hungry, the house dirty, and that she was at risk in school. And Wavy, raised in a filthy home by a drug addicted mother and an absent father... She continued her education. She never gave up on Kellen, and she searched for her brother to the ends of the earth and found him! The fact that these two continued to love, support, and depend on one another when the rest of the world crapped on them over and over leads me to believe that they have a stronger relationship than most "normal" people.

Posted Oct. 03, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/23/13

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

They certainly have "seen it all" and just having a stable life would be success for them. They seemed to be taking on the responsibility of the younger brother and trying to give him a stable home. I think they have a good chance of making a good life. Wavy was attending college and would probably take on the role of decision maker. A simple life without all the drama of their childhoods would surely be a dream come true.

Posted Oct. 03, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/01/15

Posts: 37

RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

They understand and love each other. They support and nurture each other. Their relationship does not have the bright, shiny coating that we see as "normal," but it is healthy and working! Take a look at their holuday dinner with Brenda. How many people can say they'd be that inclusive?

Posted Oct. 05, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/03/17

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I believe more than most. They had more challenges and work hard to get where they are. You feel like Kellen badly wants to depart the negatives of his existence and that led him to Wavy in the first place. It is a distant comparison, but they have the strength of character built from having each other to leave the negatives of their lives behind and work together to build a positive future. In today’s modern society, the “unconventional” couple is far more widely accepted than even 20 or 30 years ago.

Posted Oct. 09, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/29/14

Posts: 101

RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think they would have a better than average chance at having a healthy future. They had both experienced more than anyone should and because of that, they would try everything they could to avoid the those things for their family.

Posted Oct. 13, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/09/13

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

They trusted each other. They protected each other. They loved each other They needed each other. In the beginning of the book I stopped reading it several times. I found it disturbing but I grew to understand their relationship and was rooting for them in the end.

Posted Oct. 15, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/27/17

Posts: 57

RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think that Wavy and kellen will have a good and happy life together. I am optimistic that with time, the fears generated by their separation will become distant memories.

I felt in the end, the author wanted us to think this too. I just noticed a different tone or feeling in the family. All are gathered in Brenda's house and even Brenda is trying to be accepting. I loved the last lines as well. "The top of her head almost reached Kellen's armpit. She had grown".

Posted Oct. 15, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/16/13

Posts: 117

RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think they will have a good and lasting marriage. I believe it be what is healthy for them and Donal.

Posted Oct. 18, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Peggy H

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

That may be difficult, especially with the younger brother. I think the hardest thing they will have to overcome is the difference in education and goals in life, especially with Wavy's changed world view. Both have struggled and that might keep them together.

Posted Oct. 19, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Jan Mays

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Posts: 13

RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

In normal circumstances fear Wavy and Kellen might eventually grow apart due to Wavy's superior intelligence and ability to have a career. However, I do believe Wavy's loyalty, love and appreciation for Kellen might be the key that would keep them together. I can see her eventually being the financial support for the two people in her life who have always given her the love she so desperately needed.

Posted Oct. 19, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/22/12

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I'm guessing that their chances are pretty good. I think that because neither of them had an easy life, both have trust and love for each other and have had a long relationship, they will be ok. The age difference will be ok for a long time as Wavy is quite mature. In old age she will care for Kellen as he cared for her when she was younger. If they have children, they will work hard to provide what the did not have.

Posted Oct. 20, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/31/13

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

I think they are survivors and remarkably kind to one another. Their love is multidimensional and she will not leave her husband or brother behind. They being the best out in each other and will make it.

Posted Oct. 22, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/28/11

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RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

One never knows what binds people together. Will Wavy trust any other man or woman? Would they be able to have healthy relationships with anyone but each other? Probably not without a lot of therapy and support from people who love them.They know each other's backgrounds and accept each other as damaged as they are.....want them to be happy.

Posted Oct. 24, 2017 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 01/25/16

Posts: 189

RE: Considering their backgrounds, how likely are Wavy and Kellen to succeed in creating a healthy relationship and a "normal" family?

After everything they both have been through, both separately and together, I have no doubt that they will have a successful marriage. They took care of each other, relied upon each other, and made decisions that they thought would help the other. Wavy had to grow up fast, in order to survive herself and to take care of her younger brother. So I think she had to act like an adult way before she should have. Wavy grew up with no love or support from anyone but Kellen. At one point Kellen observed that Wavy was the only one who cared if he was alive or dead. I'm certain that Wavy felt the same way about Kellen. They needed each other. Their mutual love and trust lasted through all the challenges over the years. They've created a loving family, unconventional, but loving, and finding Donal and bringing him home is just one more part.


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