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Book Jacket

The Last Flight

The story of two women and one agonizing decision that will change the ...
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Reading Guide

Eva wants to be the one to define who she was. How does she do this? Would have done this in the future?

Created: 06/07/20

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Posted Jun. 07, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Mary Alice

Join Date: 01/14/18

Posts: 22

Eva wants to be the one to define who she was. How does she do this? Would have done this in the future?

Eva talks with Liz about pushing potential adoption couples away, wanting to be viewed for who she actually was as a person, not as the child of an addict. She does not want to be "fixed." Liz feels that Eva has come a long way in a short time. How do you think Eva would have faced her new life, her new world? Would she have made better decisions?
And Claire has the chance to live her life and to prove that Eva's death means something. Will Claire live a life that is meaningful?


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