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Book Jacket

The Last Flight

The story of two women and one agonizing decision that will change the ...
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"Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see?" What do you think?

Created: 05/19/20

Replies: 8

Posted May. 19, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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"Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see?" What do you think?

In contemplating Rory's character, Claire thinks, "Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see? Do they define us by what we choose to show them, or what they see despite our best attempts to conceal it?" What do you think?

Posted May. 30, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
skagitgrits's Gravatar

Join Date: 02/24/17

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RE: "Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see?" What do you think?

We can reflect the opinions of others but internally we remain who we believe we are through upbringing and early experiences. We always carry our past with us; the trick is to not allow that past to too closely define who we become.

Posted Jun. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/21/17

Posts: 70


I think we are who we say we are - I don't think others define us. People may see me one way - but it isn't always the way I see myself. I rely on what is within me and live accordingly. I think both Eva and Clair were the same way. Eva didn't feel good about herself and became who people thought she was. Clair became who she really was.

Posted Jun. 08, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Carol Rainer

Join Date: 09/03/15

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RE: "Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see?" What do you think?

We will always be who we say we are. Our inner beings don't change with external circumstances. We might have to react differently to some situations as necessitated by outside events.

Posted Jun. 10, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/13/19

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RE: "Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see?" What do you think?

For Claire and Eva, who both found themselves in dangerous situations, altering their behavior and the image they projected was a means to stay safe. Claire was the dutiful wife who avoided conflict and Eva was a risk-taking dealer. It seems few were aware of their inner turmoil. Their moral responses (inner beings) were compromised when their lives were at stake. Eva manipulated Claire for her own purposes and Claire's plan to leave Rory potentially endangered Petra and Danielle. They sacrificed/compromised part of themselves to become the people they wanted to be -- and to be free from the control of others.

Posted Jun. 10, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/13/20

Posts: 26

RE: "Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see?" What do you think?

People change their manner of speaking, their gestures, their expressions all the time. People are at times emboldened to speak up and at other times they are shy. Depending on who is nearby, people act and react differently. It's hard, if not impossible, to be the same. My answer it that we try to be who we want to be but that is practically impossible.

Posted Jul. 20, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/11/17

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I feel, no matter however true we are to ourselves and believe it, we are still other personalities- someone's mother, wife, daughter, son, father, uncle, aunt, grandparent, friend, etc. and our behavior changes accordingly. People change - change is the only constant. May be, as we get older, one starts to become who they really are...may be.

Posted Jul. 21, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/11/14

Posts: 80

RE: "Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see?" What do you think?

While I think I live true to what I believe, I do have a "teacher's" persona that is somewhat different than outside of work.

Posted Jul. 21, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/12/19

Posts: 8

RE: "Identity is a strange thing. Are we who we say we are, or do we become the person others see?" What do you think?

I think people change with who they are around. Internally you are the same, but you might change your manner of speaking or the stories you tell to reflect the people near you. It seems to be a way of fitting in.


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