Lucy observes: My childhood had been a lockdown. What did she mean by this? How do you think growing up poor shaped Lucy's life? How did she persevere?
Created: 10/05/23
Replies: 6
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Join Date: 01/01/16
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Lucy had a horrific childhood. Besides being extremely poor there was no family fun, no loving and caring. She had no friends, schoolmates made fun of her and called her names. She never saw anyone or went anywhere. She was isolated, afraid and lonely. Her childhood was definitely a lockdown.
Join Date: 09/07/12
Posts: 165
Growing up poor makes one's world extremely small, and dysfunctional and abusive families can also have this effect. Children in dysfunctional and abusive families are generally taught to keep everything that happened at home secret from fami!y and friends, which is a sort of lockdown.
Join Date: 08/12/21
Posts: 114
Dysfunctional parents and low socioeconomic status. Lucy lived with the two. She did not experience a normal up bringing where events were planned and her family did things together. Lucy experienced dysfunction and no money. It was a lockdown because she was very limited by her circumstances.
Join Date: 02/18/15
Posts: 499
Lucy's childhood was a type of lock down because their was no communication between the family members. She lived in a poor, abusive home where each member kept to themselves. She had no friends and experienced very little outside the home. She was isolated and often afraid. She carried many of these fears into adulthood, keeping feelings locked inside until panic attacks took over her mind and body.
Join Date: 05/13/19
Posts: 52
That line stopped me in my reading for a few moments. It's so true. As a child she was ostracized, isolated, and lived with a monster that she was forced to depend on for basic needs. As a child she never went anywhere, had any fun, interacted with nice people. She just endured every day hoping that the next might be better, but not sure if it might be worse. That is what lockdown looked like for many. For health care workers who were swimming upstream trying to handle the enormity of what was facing them every day. For people living paycheck to paycheck who couldn't figure out how to pay for rent and food for their families. For homeless people who had nowhere to go. Perhaps we all got just a small glimpse into what those other lives might be like.
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