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Book Jacket

The Last Flight

The story of two women and one agonizing decision that will change the ...
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Do you think in our electronic age it's possible to vanish without a trace? Have you ever fantasized about running away from your life? Where would you go, and how would you achieve your disappearance?

Created: 05/19/20

Replies: 4

Posted May. 19, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

Posts: 3442

Do you think in our electronic age it's possible to vanish without a trace? Have you ever fantasized about running away from your life? Where would you go, and how would you achieve your disappearance?

Do you think in our electronic age it's possible to vanish without a trace? Have you ever fantasized about running away from your life? Where would you go, and how would you achieve your disappearance?

Posted Jun. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/21/17

Posts: 70

RE: Do you think in our electronic age it's possible to vanish without a trace? Have you ever fantasized about running away from your life? Where would you go, and how would you achieve your disappearance?

People disappear all the time. Have I ever fantasized about running away? All the time. But fantasize is the key word here. I believe in what Sister Bernadette said - "the only way out is through". The most important thing is not to feel like a victim - to feel that you are making a choice.
But....I'm not living with what both Clair and Eva had to live with. In those circumstances I might act differently.

Posted Jun. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 11/20/14

Posts: 25

RE: Do you think in our electronic age it's possible to vanish without a trace? Have you ever fantasized about running away from your life? Where would you go, and how would you achieve your disappearance?

In our current age of high tech wonders, I know I don't have the skill set to vanish without a trace. It's possible someone else might pull it off....but to maintain a worthwhile life leaving no trace seems impossible to me. I suppose if it was necessary to do so in order to simply stay alive I would attempt it.

Posted Jun. 02, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/13/20

Posts: 26

RE: Do you think in our electronic age it's possible to vanish without a trace? Have you ever fantasized about running away from your life? Where would you go, and how would you achieve your disappearance?

Wouldn't we all like to run away, at least for a little while? But to vanish without a trace and leave everything behind? I would not like to do that. I am also fairly certain I wouldn't be able to navigate disappearance. But desperate circumstances might make me overcome the difficulties.

Posted Jun. 03, 2020 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/14/11

Posts: 222

RE: Do you think in our electronic age it's possible to vanish without a trace? Have you ever fantasized about running away from your life? Where would you go, and how would you achieve your disappearance?

Everyone has fantasized about running away from their current life but I don't think it's possible in this electronic age for it to happen.


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