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How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

Created: 04/12/14

Replies: 16

Posted Apr. 12, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? Is A.J. a man who cannot exist in a world with e-books? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

Posted Apr. 15, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/23/12

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I am in total agreement with AJ in that ebooks are the bane of all independent bookstores. While I recognize that they are inevitably part of the landscape at this point, I still believe that AJ is right in that reading should be "experienced" not just skimmed.

I love books in paper form because they contribute to the entire experience of reading ... the smell, sound and heft of a book cannot be matched by a Kindle.

Posted Apr. 15, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/15/14

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I think the e-reader in the story was a wonderful piece of foreshadowing. The demise of the printed book draws parallels to the demise of A.J.'s health, but in a way, it also keeps reading, and books, alive for people in many ways. I will always love a book. As stated in the statement above mine, there is nothing that can replace the experience of reading a book. But I do think that e-readers have their place, as Amy explains to A.J. after he becomes upset that his mother has gifted the whole family e-readers, text size can be changed for those losing their ability to see small letters. A.J. is also able to use the e-reader in the hospital. I know when I travel, I am such an avid reader that I used to pack several books in my suitcase to read on vacation, and now I just load up my e-reader and take it. I also have to say as I've gotten older, large, hard-cover books are harder for me to hold up and read in bed. I think there is room for both books, and e-readers, in all our lives.

Posted Apr. 16, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/16/14

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I had the first generation kindle and found that I read so much right from the start because I could download a book as soon as I was done reading the last book. I am in total agreement with Monica. Both the e-reader and books have their place. Nothing looks and feels better than a real book but with an e-reader you can easily read several books at a time and not have to worry about having the right book with you at the right time. Traveling is so much easier when you have an e-reader. I once went on a trip to Hawaii with my family and packed so many books for myself and my daughters that I had to pay extra for my suitcase because it weighed too much!

Posted Apr. 16, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I also have the first generation Kindle and I wouldn't trade it for anything when I travel. Finally, I can travel with 6-8 books in tow without weighing down my suitcase! When I am home, though, I never open it. I am totally in love with the entire book experience as is A.J. I don't resent or dislike the e-reader as it is an important travel convenience for me.

I think the introduction of the e-reader may have contributed to the decline in independent book stores as well as the larger chain stores, but it would be interesting to see if this is actually true. It might have introduced reading to a whole other group of people who wouldn't have dreamed of going out and buying a book. I think there's a place for both of us.

Posted Apr. 17, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/12/11

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I think that AJ could have handled e-books but he chose not to. I too could go the e-book route but 1) like AJ I prefer the printed book; and 2) I refuse to contribute to the decline of bookstores by e-books.

Posted Apr. 17, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I think the publishing and distributors are putting themselves in jeopardy by raising prices sky high and then lowering demand.

Posted Apr. 17, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/21/12

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

Any book about books would have to include an e-reader to be at all realistic. How perfect to have AJ's mother buy them for the whole family. They have their place. I enjoy the fact mentioned by several people that they are great for travel. They are also great for tired eyes who need larger print sometimes. Having said that, I prefer to read books and the good quality paper, the interesting fonts, and wonderful cover of this book make it a favorite of mine.

Posted Apr. 17, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I thought the e-reader was a great touch to the story. I fought the idea of an e-reader for some time, but then decided that I could enjoy both. I love the touch and smell of books, but it's great to load a reader with several books for a vacation.

Posted Apr. 18, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

Honestly I don't care what form my reading materials take as long as I have them on hand when I feel like reading. I love the ability to load my e-reader with all sorts of different types of books because I just never know what will strike my fancy to read, history, novels, mysteries ... and there is a lot to be said for having been able to donate the majority of one entire room's worth of books to the library and get rid of all the dust that generated. But I still do have a good sized shelf of my all time, read them over and over, favorites because sometimes I just enjoy turning those pages :) I think there is plenty of room for both in my world :) I think how and when they were worked into this story was a perfect example of how we often end up working technology into our lives at just the right time.

Posted Apr. 18, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I have a first generation Nook, and it has been updated with new ones along the way. Reading on an e-reader is a different experience that reading a paper and cardboard book. With an e-reader you miss that wonderful feeling of opening a new book, smelling the pages and discovering what is between the covers. When you get right down to it, the words are the same, it is just the experience that is different. Just like shopping online for books is different that shopping in a big box store which differs greatly from shopping in a small independent bookstore. Both books and e-readers have an important place in my life, but the best way to travel is with an e-reader!

When A.J.'s mother gave them the e-readers A.J.'s book snobbery was again apparent. At the beginning of the book the reader learned that A.J. didn't like to carry popular fiction, he leaned towards literary fiction. As the story continues, he started carrying more popular fiction for his customers, thus increasing the customer base of Island Books. The e-readers renewed this sort of debate; do you give the customers what they want or what you think they should have? While in the hospital, A.J. was finally introduced to the the benefits of an e-reader. Had he survived his cancer, he may have changed his position on the e-readers. It is quite possible that Ismay and Lambiase, while keeping the store in business, decided there was room for ebooks as well as the more traditional types.

Posted Apr. 19, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/23/14

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

Love my Kindle, Love my real books. I'll read 'em in whatever form I can get 'em. Period.

Posted Apr. 19, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/16/11

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I actually use both, but for literary fiction I need the actual book. Mysteries are fine for me to read on the E-readers but it will never completely replace books for me.

Posted Apr. 21, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/14/11

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I use both - love the feel of the actual book but find the e-reader much more convenient when traveling - I can board the plane with 10 books and no extra luggage. Nothing will ever replace the feeling of spending hours in a library or used book store. It is one of the joys in my life.

Posted Apr. 22, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 04/11/11

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I've had versions of the Nook since the first one, and I still read books. I love the ease of download and carry ability for travel, but feel both definitely have their place.

Posted Apr. 24, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/19/13

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

Seems like the feelings are mutual. Love, love, love reading "real books". The cover especially is appealing, and lends much to the flavor of the story. Love being able to mark pages and go back to favorite passages easily. Love being able to remember a story by the look of the text. Love being able to lend a much read book to a reader friend. But - also love the Kindle for its immediacy, portability, and ease of handling. So - I guess both (hopefully) are here to stay and have their merits.

Posted Apr. 28, 2014 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 06/25/13

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RE: How do you think the arrival of the e-reader is related to the denouement of the story? What do you think of e-books? Do you prefer reading in e- or on paper?

I think the e-reader had to be brought into any story about a book store. This is a big change for them and I feel book stores have to find a way to include e-readers. Whether, we like it or not, they are here. I have a Kindle and love it for certain times. I like to read it in bed, because I can do so without a light on. I think it is great for vacations, you can fill it with books before you go. I do, however, prefer reading books. To me there is nothing better than spending time browsing a library or book store. If I have a day to myself, this is my favorite way of spending it. I agree that we have lost many small book stores because of this and I wish this had not happened.


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