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The Underground Girls of Kabul

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Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

Created: 06/26/15

Replies: 9

Posted Jun. 26, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 10/15/10

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Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

Many of the women in this book experience the limits of female freedom, even if they have had success. For example, Azita has risen from a small Afghan village to occupy a place in parliament, but she is still very limited in what she can do and how far she can reach. Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

Posted Jul. 13, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 02/18/15

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RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

There are still references made to the "glass ceiling". We recently saw where the women's soccer team played a fantastic game, won the medal for the US and is still paid four times less than the men's team.
There are men that would never consider voting for a woman to led the country, saying women are too emotional. So I would say there is a difference as to how far a woman can go. Azita did make her way to parliament, but had to pay her husband money for his staying at home, even though there was another wife there to do the work. When not at parliament, she was still confined behind the walls of her home. The price of her advancement cost her dearly.

Posted Jul. 16, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/07/12

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RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

Certainly there is, because men benefit by keeping women from attaining full equality just as white people benefit by a society in which racism is inherent.

Posted Jul. 16, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/25/15

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RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

Violence against women is suppression which certainly limits what a woman is able to accomplish. Not having pay equity limits not only what a woman can do, but how well her whole family does.

Posted Jul. 23, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 05/12/11

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RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

Society here does still set a limit. Some women have done quite well going against the odds but they really had to work for it -- more than the men did. reene mentioned the women's soccer team. Well here where I live both the boys and the girls have won Little League Women Championships. The boys were treated like celebrities, taken in tours, welcomed home with a parade, celebrations for nearly a year, front page coverage. The girls got a small article below the fold on the front page. That's it. End of their recognition.

Posted Jul. 25, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 03/14/15

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RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

I think anything is obtainable in our country with hard work. seems women have to work harder for it than men do but it's not out of reach.

Posted Jul. 26, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

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RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

I think it's more difficult for women to achieve some positions (CEO, President, sportscaster, etc.) but not that anything's off-limits. I still hope to see a woman president in my lifetime, if not this go-round then maybe in 2020 or 2024.

Posted Jul. 27, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert
Navy Mom

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RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

A few women have broken through into roles that have been considered male roles, but I think there is still an underlying issue with women being in equal roles with men. I think we are still fighting a cultural thing, even though intellectually we say women can do anything a man can do, it isn't showing up that way in society. We still have issues where women are not taken as seriously as men. Male news anchors can be old and ugly, women can't. Actresses get asked about their wardrobe not their craft. Fewer girls go into careers in the sciences. Even the Tech industry excludes women. Then there are women like Ann Coulter that say things like women shouldn't be able to vote. Men are still deciding what control women have over their own bodies. There is still a big problem even in democratic countries that are supposed to be advanced.

Posted Jul. 30, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 07/30/15

Posts: 22

RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

I think on the surface level, many would say "no, no there's not a limit to how far a woman can get"; but in reality we may believe that it isn't true. We haven't had a female president. Men make more money than women for equal work - etc. That being said, I think that in America we are truly fortunate to have a society that is - for the most part - willing and able to accept a woman doing the same job as a man in all arenas. I am a woman with female friends in all sorts of professions: physicians, attorneys, salespeople, stay at home wives / mothers and more. I think our society could do better to embrace the idea that women have a wide variance in their callings, and that "getting far" is a subjective idea. For one, getting far may be plunging wholeheartedly into a career in public service. For another, getting far may be investing her life (for a time) into staying home and training up children. What I think would be wonderful, is if women - and men - of all walks of life, were able to encourage one another in whatever it is "getting far in life" means to them.

Posted Aug. 08, 2015 Go to Top | Go to bottom | link | alert

Join Date: 09/11/14

Posts: 12

RE: Is there a limit to how far most women can get in our own society today? Why is that?

In our society, many women can achieve high positions in government, finance, etc. but they pay a higher price than men. Many are not taken as seriously as men and the pay scale frequently favors the male.

In this book, The Underground Girls...,the women experience limited female freedom. Even though Azila attained a government position she paid a price for that by being confined within the walls of her house.


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