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Excerpt from Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris, plus links to reviews, author biography & more

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Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris

Act of Oblivion

A Novel

by Robert Harris
  • BookBrowse Review:
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  • First Published:
  • Sep 13, 2022, 480 pages
  • Paperback:
  • Sep 2023, 480 pages
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'Of course.'

'His wife is Colonel Whalley's sister. When Hooke discovered it was my intention to sail back to America with Captain Pierce, he asked me to arrange passage for his brother-in-law. And then Ned persuaded Will to join us. He was reluctant – he has a young family.'

'And why was it so urgent for them to leave?'

'To put the matter briefly, the King's son is returning to the throne by invitation of Parliament, the army has agreed – or most of it – and England is to be a republic no more.'

The information came in such a rush, was so overwhelming and unexpected, she had to sit on the bed beside him to absorb it. After a few moments she said, 'Why did the army agree to such a thing?'

'A new law, what they call an Act of Oblivion, has been laid before Parliament. The past is to be forgotten. There's to be an amnesty for all who took up arms against the late King – with one exception. All those regicides, as they call them, who had direct involvement in the trial and execution of Charles Stuart are required to surrender themselves for judgement.' He took her hand. 'There you have it, as plain as I can tell it. This was ten weeks ago. Ours is the first ship to reach Boston with the news. That's what I had to go and tell the governor as soon as we came ashore.'

'How many of these regicides came over with you?'

'These two only.'

'And the rest?'

'Some are already fled to Holland. Most are lying low in England. Others were planning to surrender in the hope of mercy. The ports were closing even as we left. It will be hard for them to get away now.' His fingers tightened on hers, as if he could somehow transfer his strength and belief by the force of his grip. 'They are good men, Mary. Ned was Cromwell's cousin. He commanded the cavalry in the campaign against the Scots. Will commanded Cromwell's regiment of foot. They're in need of sanctuary until things quieten down. There's nothing to fear. No one knows they're here, save you and me and the governor.'

'Colonel Whalley was Cromwell's cousin? Oh Daniel!' She pulled her hand away. 'Things will never quieten down. They'll come after them for sure. Nothing is more certain.'

Above their heads, another piece of furniture was being dragged into position. In her anxious imagination, it sounded as if they were already building a barricade.

Down on the river, the workmen had finished for the day. Both banks were deserted. Water glistened invitingly in the sunlight. Ned, back at his post at the window, felt a rush of contentment. He liked the Gookin family. He liked this place. America would suit them very well.

Behind him, Will was laying out their armoury on the bed: four matchlock pistols, two bags of powder, a box of bullets, two knives, a pair of swords. He had barely spoken since they came into the house.

'Leave that, Will.' Ned searched through his bag, pulled out two clean shirts and threw one to him. They had not been out of one another's company for the past four months. His son-in-law's face had become like a pane of glass to him – he could see everything that passed through his mind. 'Let's go down to the river. It'll do us good to be rid of this salt.'

Will looked dubious. 'What if we're seen?'

'There's no one to observe us. And if they do, what of it? We're merely two men bathing.'

'Shouldn't we ask Gookin first?'

'He's our host, not our gaoler. The governor said it was safe for us to move freely here.' He took a step forward, gripped Will by the forearms and shook him gently. 'You'll see your wife and little ones again, I'm sure of it – my sweet Frances, and the grandchildren. God will not allow the wicked to triumph for long. We must have patience, and faith.'

Will nodded. 'You're right. Forgive me.'

'Good.' Ned released him.

Together they put the weapons into the chest and covered it with a blanket, then Ned led the way downstairs. The two bedroom doors facing one another on the landing beneath the attic were both closed.

Excerpted from Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris. Copyright © 2022 by Robert Harris. Excerpted by permission of Harper. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

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Beyond the Book:
  The Execution of Charles I

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