Tuesdays With Morrie: An Old Man, A Young Man & The Last Great Lesson
by Mitch Albom
Reminds me of (11/25/2005)
Mitch's experiences with Morrie remind me of RuthAnn Hogue's experiences with Walter Schifter, who also shared a series of visits when Walter was at death's door. There are numerous similarities: RuthAnn and Mitch were both 33-year-old journalists who had in some measure lost their way. Morrie and Walter were both terminally ill, yet remarkably able to inspire those around them who were living in much better circumstances. Morrie and Walter shared a similar cultural heritage by virture of their ancestors and both loved education -- whether formal or from the school of hard knocks of life. While Mitch and Morrie visited on Tuesdays over a longer period of time than RuthAnn and Walter visited, Walter and RuthAnn likely had as many -- or more -- visits in a relatively compact period. The experiences forever changed both Mitch and RuthAnn, who each went on to value their personal relationships and family lives more than they had previously. It's easy to see how the pressures of the competitive world of journalism can easily over shadow the simple things in life, which ultimately for Mitch and RuthAnn turned out to be their most treasured.
If you liked "Goodbye, Walter" (Mapletree Publishing) you will surely like Tuesdays with Morrie.