The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy
by Jeanne Birdsall
Sequel (6/7/2007)
This book is amazing. If you haven't read it yet, you don't know what your missing. It is a heart warming tale of four sisters who are on vacation. They fall upon Jefforey Tifton, the one who really starts their adventures. Note to Jeanne Birdsall: Please please write a sequel! I love The Penderwicks and it is a book that BEGS for a sequel. I wish there was a little more romance between Skye and Jefforey. PLease make a sequel. I will die If I don't here more of the Penderwicks! Be proud to make "The Penderwick's Summer" or "The Penderwicks long awaited Summer"! Please Please Please!! You are an amazing author and a sequel to The Penderwicks would sell so fast - I would buy a 72 copies to give to my grandchildren like I did with "The Penderwicks" (Literally) when I become a grandmother and I will read the book 17 times like I did with "The Penderwicks"! Please! i beg on bended knee...and await the book...