Sophie feels free against the waves, sailing in the ocean. A number of mini adventures happen on the way to Bompie. Sophie is actually an orphan, and a bit touchy about the subject.
Cody is fooling around a lot, and annoys everyone. But Sophie seems to understand him, and is rarely annoyed by his foolish actions. She seems to get along with Cody and Dock better than anyone else.
They stop at a number of places during the trip, and eventually, Sophie finds out that Uncle Dock is looking for his first love.
It's beautifully told. I especially love the storm bit. Sophie kept having this nightmare about a BIG, BLACK wave towering over her and sweeping her into the ocean forever. Then it seems to be actually happen as a big, WHITE wave, even larger, injures them all. She sees Uncle Stew, Uncle Mo, cousin Brian, and knows where Dock is, but she's really worried because she can't find Cody ANYWHERE.
It's really something.