Dr. Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss: The Visual Program for Permanent Weight Loss
by Howard M. Shapiro
Picture Perfect Weight Loss (10/4/2007)
Dr Mr Shapiro..About 5 years ago I seen you on tv and was interested in what you had to say..so months passed and on our trip to visit our son..we went to a book store and bought the book..I just looked at the pictures and figured ok,I think I can do it, just by looking at the pictures and seen how you compared the foods..it raised my hopes..so I got on a diet of eating right..well to begin with I wanted to lose weight with out any help..like pills,etc..well let me tell you month by month I was shedding off pounds..it took me about a year..slowly but surely the pounds came off..I lost 70 pounds and kept it off for 3 years..then I gained my weight back cause of stress..but I know I started back on it so far I have lost 8 pounds..when I had lost all that weight..my doctor asked me if I was taking anything for losing weight and I told him how I was doing it and he said he was very proud of me for not using over the counter pills..so this time he told me if you did it before you can do it again..so I'm back, I also have a friend who I am showing on how to eat healthy and exercise and she has lost weight and she tells me she feels good...all I gotta say I love this book it taught me how to compare food and eat right and I don't get the jitters or anything...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! this book is...GOOD!!!! Thank You Dr.Shapiro,on making it so easy to lose weight..