The Movie was a good movie in a sense that it was a story that needed to be told. If it was not told, then people would not know about the story, hence it would not exist because it wasn't told. Get it?
Ok, so my opinion about the story was that it was very sad for a brilliant man, with a college education on his was to become a successful contributor to society, HUMAN SOCIETY, went out in the wild, and to go to Alaska to freeze himself to death to prove his own worth. I ask Why?
Humans are not meant for the wild. I felt that he disrespected the wilderness because he thought he could conquer it. You cannot conquer wilderness. Only wild animals can.
He was very selfish for leaving his family like that. Even though it was disfunctional, with his abusive father and parents and stuff, he left them forever instead of trying to be there for them. That was his situation. Not to be in the wilderness, ALONE?!!?!?!!
In history people that lived out in the sticks, always had a clan or some sort. A family or group they belonged to to overcome the obstacles or the wilderness and survival. AS A GROUP.
When he killed the moose for meat. He had no experience on how to clean it or cut it for food. He didn't have any help. We all need help. Even wild animals.
The story is very sad. I feel very sorry for Chris.