I was kinda of ify to read this book, because it was so long and I'm not really into these kind of books but I'm glad I sat down and read it. Because this book is so powerful I felt like I was in it, how it gets into full detail about what is happening. About the honor, the relationships that form a journey that Amir is taking, and it's so surprising when you learn about the many secrets of this book -- edited to remove plot spoiler --- So much is happening you want to stop reading but you can't, you keep on going like it's pulling you in. You will laugh, you will probably cry, and you won't stop reading the book, if I had to get up and go use the bathroom I took the book with me because I couldn't put down I would take it to the bathroom with me lol.
Kite Runner is an amazing story about hardships and when the Taliban took over Afghanistan and change it forever. That will effect a young boy who soon grows into a man, Amir. This powerful story starts out as Amirs as a young boy with his Hazara friend Hassan who has a hair lip or cleft lip. The live in Afghanistan in their hometown of Kabul, Amir's father, Baba as he calls him is a very respected man he set up an orphanage for all the children without parents. Baba also has a lot of honor, Amir's mother died when Amir was delivered and Hassan's mother took off after she gave birth to him, so in a way Amir and Hassan are related in that they both have lost there mothers and now both of their fathers are watching over them Hassan's father's name is Ali. Ali has polio in one of his knees so he limps around, Ali and Baba have been with each other since they were kids.
But to sum all down this was an amazing novel, nothing like you ever read so hurry and read now this is such a delightful yet melancholy mood of a book so much secrets so much surprises and so much more things that will happen - I hope you enjoy Kite Runner like I did.