When I read this book I was only 14 years age. This book has inspired me a lot because of the way this book was written and the difficulties that Mende has to go through. When I first read this book I thought I was there with Mende feeling her pain as mine own pain too. I
…more never thought people can do this things to other Human being. I mean human are human and we are all the same it just that we as human we judged each other by the way look and colour we have. I wish Mende the best for her future wish her best luck to find what she is looking for and unite with her family....
This book has touch me and its a heart broken story to read of what Mende went through. Its the best book I have ever read.... I will never forget the pain of the book and Mende. I will pray for You Mende good luck. Vicky 15 years of age. (less)