Oh how I loved this book! Full disclosure: I am an absolute fan of historical fiction and absolutely cannot get enough of all things Kennedy. If you are not a fan of either, you might not feel the way I did about this book.
Yes, Kick Kennedy was a privileged, pampered,
…more watched-over American princess, but after understanding that (and forgiving it) Maher truly had her come off as her own being (as opposed to being in her brothers' shadows) and willing to give of herself, understanding the privilege under which she lived, donating her time, talent and treasure. I knew only the basic outline of her life (and death) and this book filled in the detail and gave it color. I thought that Maher did an excellent job of showing the depth of Kick as a partner/volunteer/employee and lover of her family, religion and the man she married.
Is it appropriate to call a book "delicious" any more? It was short of gossipy about a character who was talked about all of her adult life. So good! (less)