In her debut novel, the Temple House Vanishing, Rachel Donoghue has chosen an unusual structure for a mystery. In the prologue, one of the main characters, a woman who is apparently successful, walks to the top of her ten floor building and jumps off. It is in the story,
…more told from the point of view of her former classmate and a journalist looking back at what happened 25 years ago, that she takes us through the why. It is difficult to talk about the plot without spoilers so I will just tell you that it revolves around what happened at an isolated girls boarding school run by nuns. The main characters are Victoria, the woman who jumped, her friend Louisa, who is a scholarship student, Mr. Lavelle, a handsome young charismatic art teacher at the school, and Helen, the head girl. As the story unfolds you see the clashes of class, the restrictions of religious practices, the toxic atmosphere created by the leading girl clique, and the dangers of handsome young teachers in a school full of girls just beginning to understand their sexuality. This was a complex and interesting read with great insight into the struggle faced by a young woman who is trying to find her way in an unfamiliar world with little support. (less)