Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time
by Greg Mortenson, David O. Relin
Subtle as a Mack Truck (7/2/2009)
I can save you the agony of plodding through this badly written book; the book's messages can be easily summed up as follows: Fight the war on terrorism with books and by the way, Greg Mortenson is a hero. What could have been a truly inspiring story is told so badly that by the end of the book I found myself doubting the character of Mr. Mortenson. The author tells you repeatedly of Mr. Mortenson's humility, (by the way, he is also a hero) yet would a truly humble man allow such an obvious piece of self promotion to bear his name? Somehow I can't quite see Mother Theresa, Mr. Mortenson's self-professed hero, allowing her name on the cover of a similar book. In any event, a disappointment as the book, in the hands of a more skilled (or at least more subtle) writer, could have delivered an important message. Oh, and Greg Mortenson is a hero.