That's right, haven't read it, going to. Let me tell you why so you will read it too. John Updike inhabits each word he writes, each story, each book. He is without peer in chronicling the American suburban hearts, feelings, dreads, joys, and detail in living a life shaped by the recently deceased modern era. He inhabits each story, and you are with him, and I've traveled all his books. I've sat in car showrooms, boring suburban alcoholic afternoons, crisp moments of lost relationships, exuberance in exploring area forbidden to me, been inside the very human hearts and minds of people waking and living each day. Truly an American experience. Updike traveled, appeared, read from his books to the end of his life. What was it like to live in America? Read My Father's Tears, and enjoy the journey walking next to a true genius, hands clasped behind his back, walking uphill, talking the whole way, speaking these words into existence.