Perhaps because I am a big fan of Sheri Reynolds, this book fell short for me for several reasons. First, the plot was way too loose (and I generally like books that are light on plot, heavy on character and description). Secondly, the main character's oddities become repetitive; after the first few examples, the reader gets it and wants more development. Thirdly, though this is also a strength of the book, some might find that some of the minor characters are forgiven too easily.
On the other hand, as far as coming of age stories go, this one is different. The main character is interesting and her attitude towards life could be considered inspiring. And the book is endearing in that many of its characters go out of their way to be kind and helpful. What I enjoyed most, though, were the outstanding qualities of hope and human warmth projected in the book.
I should add that Reynolds continued to delight me with her unique wording and descriptions.
This book is worth reading, but not as compelling as other books by Reynolds.