Stuffed: An Insider's Look at Who's (Really) Making America Fat
by Hank Cardello & Doug Garr
Very enjoyable book (11/23/2008)
I really enjoyed this book. My husband and I are baby boomer's now in our 50's, and while we were always thin and active while young ,we did grow up
eating high sugar cereals, junk food and a lot of fast food in our teens and early adulthood.Now we are both trying to head off becoming diabetic.
We are both in the medical profession and know from patient and unfortunately our own family members the devastating consequences of this disease. Although
we are very educated in nutrition and have managed to both lose over thirty pounds each and turn our blood work results around, I am aware first
hand of not only the limited choices out there but also how conscious one has to be about ingredients. I certainly hope the future of the food industry can
beas healthful as this book says it could possibly be. I really look forward to more sugar free choices especially chocolate.