Many books have been written about Sudanese civil wars and ensuing sufferings of the civilians under NIF , but non has ever captured the true magnitude of the suffering than the Slave . I have just finished reading it , but while I was reading I kept on crying and cursing
…more at the same time . I am a Sudanese who has closely seen all this deadly hate, but I was very moved by hearing the same from another witness like me and who have suffered a lot more in the hands of our enemies . After reading Mende's story , I am left with a lot of questions and doubts of possibility of peace between Arabs and the Africans. While Africans tend to have hearts for unity , Arabs' attitudes towards non Arabs and Muslims would never make things easier .
Mende, if you could read this , I am proud of you and your courage to tell your story . It's OUR story and it has opened people's eyes to the sufferings of the Africans in Sudan . May God bless you and inspire you some more to stand up for the cause of Human society . (less)