I started reading the Ink books a few months ago, and ever since I find myself re-reading them. For three torturous weeks I couldn't find Inkdeath-it was checked out of my schools library, town library, even my teacher's copy was checked out! Finally though, a friend lent
…more it to me. I have yet to finish it, but it is so far very fulfilling and entertaining. With the first book, Inkheart, I was pretty bored until about page 100 on, and Inkspell bored me until about page 50, but from page one this one has kept me at the edge of my seat. They've been times that I wanted to cry, laugh, and, in my head of course, scream at the characters for whatever reason. I highly recommend it-just get past the first book and from then on you'll love it. I know I do. Please, write a sequel to Inkdeath soon, Mrs. Funke!! (less)