The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl
by Timothy Egan
Touching the Essence of the Land and the People (12/13/2010)
Timothy Egan provided tremendous insight into a question that has plagued me since I was able to think independently. What were those people even doing there? With my vanishing family roots in the Amarillo area, the last vestiges of which are my 96 year old aunt in assisted living there, I experienced the haunting, teasing character of that land and the incredible rollers that smashed into those dusty lands in the early 50's.
When everything seems to fly in the face of reason and logic, It helps to have someone present the why's and wherefore's that led to those seemingly insane conditions. It helps even more when those why's and wherefore's are presented so well. A great work!