Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America
by Barbara Ehrenreich
eh..unfinished. (1/26/2011)
I was disappointed in how quickly Barbara retreated! Seemed she didn't try too very hard to explore all possibilities...kinda fell into a stereotypical mindset & setting and then pulled out. thrift stores are a treasure trove of necessities - one trip, she would have supplied herself with kitchen utensils and work clothes to meet her needs for pennies on the dollar. She could of hit the day labor agencies for the in between wait days (and cash in hand at the end of each day). How about taking a room at the local 'y' or in a private home? Answer some ads for a roommate! Hit the food pantries! Maybe a night in her car would of got the creative/fear juices flowing...geeez, did she even stay into the 2nd month? Aside from her half baked attempt, I did LOL several times, but was left filling in the blanks. something she could of done with a little more effort, with a sincere application of herself to the project at hand.