Wow! I almost read this book in one sitting. It was so good--inspirational, but not in a didactic, overtly spiritual, hit you over the head kind of way. It's one of those books that you (okay I) can definitely relate to. How often do we dwell on the not so wonderful parts of our lives, when we really have so very much to be thankful for. It isn't until we stop and really take the time to think that we realize what is good and precious in our lives. But author John Kralik takes it one step further--he actually puts pen to paper and begins to thank the people around him for kindnesses large and small. And as he does, something happens. Is it his circumstances that change, or is it that he changes how he thinks about his circumstances? You have to read the book to find out (cheesy, I know). But the coolest part about reading the book was that I began to think about myself, my own circumstances, and the people whom I would/could/should thank for their presence in my life and the kindnesses they have shown, great and small. Now I just need to follow through... This is definitely worth reading.