This book was an amazing insight into the life of John Nash. I had already seen the movie and could not wait to read about one of my heroes (I'm bipolar myself. nb: John Nash shows more signs of being bipolar than schizophrenic and this is backed by a reputable Australian
…more psychiatrist. Many people mix them up). But I was deeply disappointed to find out he was such an arrogant and nasty person which wasn't betrayed in the movie (bipolar does not cause one to treat others poorly; this is a personality flaw he had). This led me to wonder why the book was titled 'A Beautiful Mind'. Perhaps it was meant for his wife, Alicia, who stuck by him in tough times. His mind was no doubt amazing as he was a genius, but I don't care if you're the King of England, if you treat others poorly you do not have a beautiful mind. (less)