If you want to know what it's like spending care free days on private yachts, shopping in prestigious stores, lunching in the finest restaurants, and attending exclusive parties in New York City during the 50s and 60s, then read The Swans of Fifth Avenue. This is the
…more fascinating story of Truman Capote and the beautiful, rich, and fashionable women he surrounded himself with. There was a caution at the beginning in the Dear Reader section that once you start reading you will begin Googling all the characters, which is exactly what I did. Benjamin definitely did her research and her writing of the dialogue between these characters seems so real you would think that she had an inside track to these famous people.
I loved this novel and highly recommend it. I have read all of Melanie Benjamin's novels and with each one she just gets better and better. I will add my own caution here, clear your schedule, because once you start reading a novel by Melanie Benjamin you won't be able to put it down. (less)