A Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive
by Dave Pelzer
A Life-Changing Read (2/16/2012)
I purchased this book many years ago at a garage sale and let it sit on my shelf, knowing that one day I would have to face it and read it. I feared that day because I knew what was in store... but I felt it was something I had to do. Just the other day, I picked it up and read it all within a few short hours. I could not put it down; the pages just flew by. I found myself moved to tears several times and just marvel at the intensity of his experience... it will make you feel more human than you may have ever felt, as well as open your eyes to the beauty of life and how thankful you might be for what you have. I know that is the case with me. Now, I'm aching to read his other books to continue learning more about his life after these unspeakable experiences. An awesome tale of the bravest boy ever.