The Voluntourist: A Six-Country Tale of Love, Loss, Fatherhood, Fate, and Singing Bon Jovi in Bethlehem
by Ken Budd
The "The Voltourist" (4/30/2012)
This book was informational as well a little slow. I enjoyed this piece of work because of of the reasons why Ken Budd wanted to make a difference within his world and the world outside his comfort zone. However I found it slow and sometimes confusing. Many times I did not recognize if he was talking about the past, or the present. It was scattered and I spent a lot of time going back to see what he was writing about one time or another. It was a long time for me to get through this book as is not normal for me. But after finishing this book I now know why I took it slow, it was to make you think, feel and listen and question. I would recommend this book if one was to seek a deeper meaning of all the complexities we all take at times for granted.