This debut novel, The Weird Sisters, by Eleanor Brown captured my attention from page one and has stayed with me long after it's end.
The story tells of three sisters, Rosalind, Bianca, and Cordelia or Rose, Bean and Cordie, as they are known. Bean and Cordie return home
…more after finding out their mother has cancer and that Rose is to be married. Although Rose was living nearby, she also returns home.
Each sister has additional reasons for coming home.
The parents are eccentric and loveable. Their father is a professor of Shakespeare, hence the girl's names, and their mother a lifelong homemaker. They are thrilled to have their girls back home. The whole family is avid readers and quoters of the bard. This makes for some entertaining family conversation.
The sisters fall back into old familiar sibling rivalry, which you need not be a sister to enjoy. The narrative is so unique. It is told in the third person, which is really the sisterhood itself. It is as if the sisterhood itself is a character. You will also fall in love with the town of Barnwell and it's residents.
In the face of adversity, each girl learns a little something about themselves, their sisters, their parents and even their hometown.
I consider this book to be like a modern day Little Women. I highly recommend it as a good read!
This is Eleanor Brown's first novel. She is a resident of Denver, CO, my hometown. I have contacted Eleanor and she is a very gracious author. (less)