Charming, quirky, delightful... I am probably the 367th person who has used these adjectives to describe Kevin Wilson's book, but I am at a loss as to what other words could suffice. Parenting is often a job of degrees. What can I do to keep my kid from bursting into flames - metaphorically for most of us, but quite literally for protagonist Lillian. We strive to maintain a balance, keeping them safe and happy while letting them be as much themselves as the possibly can be. I think Mr. Wilson's enchanting (another adjective!) tale articulates perfectly the ennui of parenting, the giant wallop upside the head loving your kiddos is, and the constant worry that you are doing it all wrong. This novel could have gone over-the-top insane really quickly, and instead was a fantastic and heartwarming treatise on love, friendship, and being OK with the "weird" in the people you care about.