by K. B. Laugheed
Wow…loved this book so much!
I have read books before about settlers being captured by Indians but this book is by far the best one I have ever read.
I was hooked from the first page, being an Irish gal I loved the story of the big Irish family always on hard times because of booze, I have a big Irish family and the stereotypes of the drunk Irishman can be, sadly true…. That being said, This is the story of Katie O'Toole, a beaten down, poor Irish girl with nothing in life to look forward to except beatings by her mother and who is the thirteenth child in her family and amazingly of the Indian Holy man Syawa, who has been dreaming of her and starts on the long journey to find the woman of his dreams. "The Creature Of Fire and Ice"
Syawa and his protector and friend, Hector come many miles to find the red haired, blue eyed creature who they call fire and ice, when they do find her there is bloodshed and Katie and some of her family are killed and captured, eventually Katie has an opportunity to travel with the Holy man and his protector and friend, Hector to fulfill his vision.
This is a beautiful love story on many levels. The love between friends, family and life partners.
Katie and the happy and always smiling good-natured Syawa become close very quickly and fall in love along their long journey, hector the very handsome and brooding protector seems also to be falling in love as they all get closer many adventures befall them, and some with terrible and scary consequences.
I so love the idea of a spirit keeper, so beautiful, mystical and full of love
I enjoyed the river crossings when Katie was told she stunk but, she hated getting wet and saw no reason to bath more than once a month, if that!
I love that Katie takes big, bold scary chances and was able to leave her dysfunctional family behind, sometimes the hard choices are the best choices.
I loved the characters, the adventures and the scenery that was depicted This story has a fairytale quality about it and I was able to get completely lost in the pages. I could have read about Katie and Hector for many more books and was sad when it ended.
This book would also be perfect for my 15 year old niece, who I will pass it on to.
I think I too fell a little in love with Syawa just like Katie and Hector…:)