This book was a very quick, easy, suspenseful, and fun read. The only regret I have is that I had not read the "prequel" or previous book about the same protagonist, by the same author ("The Edge of Normal"), so I knew there were things I was missing out on, such as an
…more investigation in California that it is alluded to that the protagonist inserted was involved in; I also felt that this book, did not go into that much detail about the protagonist's years of captivity with her captor, and I thought that was maybe because it was discussed more in depth in the first book. So now, I have another book that I will go out and buy to get the full picture "The Edge of Normal." However, even without the full, or skimpy background provided, I did enjoy this book very much. It kept me on the edge of my seat, and also guessing what is in store in the future for our brave, bright, and heroic protagonist. A great, fast-paced, action-packed read!
Also, I thought the book was very relevant in many ways to several instances that have become known in our society in recent years (kidnappings and rescues of victims missing for years in the real world and their re-acclamation to society). (less)