This story is actually a true story and the main character in the book is the author Mitch Albom. The book starts off with Mitch Albom having to go back to his childhood town because his childhood rabbi Albert Louis requested that he wrote his eulogy for him because he
…more knows he will soon die. Mitch and his Rabbi(who he calls eRb) have meeting with each other and talk about their faith and their life. You than get to see the background of a another man, Paster Henry Covington who is an African American and use to be a past drug-addict, dealer and ex-convict. He is trying to make a church for the homeless and poor. Soon Paster Henry Covington life and Mitch life intersect when he helps Paster Henry Covington with his church’s roof. In the end of the book Mitch learns that even thought these two people are completely different and have different past, they all share one thing in common which is they have absolute faith and trust in something greater than themselves, which in the end helps draw Mitch back into his religions which he had kind of abounded. What I think was amazing about in this book was the faith that was shown not only by these two spiritual leader but also by the follower. Even when the church was freezing and leaking, poor homeless people still had faith and came back no matter what challenges were in front of them. It relates to me because I also am getting busy and have stopped going to church and kind of turned my back on religion. But this book showed that you have to still keep on believing even though the hard times and don’t stop no matter how chaotic your life can get. In the end I thought this book was really interesting and would recommend it to everyone. (less)