Between the Tides is a well-developed story of a woman, Lainie, whose life exists between a series of ebb tides and rip tides.
As the story begins,Lainie, a mother of four, is a happy, balanced person living in New York City. Her life and decisions revolve around water...the Hudson River, Cape May, Long Island Sound, etc. This all changes when her husband transfers to a new job in interior New Jersey.
Her new home is set in a Stepford-like scenario including a reunion with an old classmate, Jess. Jess, the "prima donna" of town directs and incorporates Lainie and her children into the neighborhood. It soon becomes obvious that Jess has ulterior motives.
The twists and turns of the plot are neatly divided into dialog sections: Lainie and Jess. The story evolves into a worthy page-turning experience.