The novel Crispin: The Cross of Lead, written by Avi, is a very interesting book because it always has suspenseful moments that, if you stopped reading, your mind would be bugging you all the time if you’re curious, which if you are, you will need to find out what happens in the next scene. This book is set in the 14th century in England, to be specific, 1377 A.D. is the date that it is set in. Crispin: The Cross of Lead is very ruthless with its description, but still, I recommend reading it no matter what age you are. There is a corrupt steward in this novel who no one would ever be able to like, however, there still are likeable characters, like the priest, and a man of many talents named Orson Hrothgar. The main boy will sometimes get annoying because he always talks about God and getting to the “good place” and not going to the ”bad place”. The book is enjoyable until some of the stupid parts like how Crispin just trips and wakes up somewhere else. In conclusion, Crispin: The Cross of Lead was a graphic, but interesting book, and you should read it.