Once again, or rather from the last time, we return to Holt, in another simply told narrative, featuring ordinary people that are doing something less than ordinary. This is always where Haruf's talents were so admirably displayed. He took the ordinary, the common and made poignant, readable stories.
Adele and Lewis, lived in the same town, the same neighborhood for most of their married lives. At the age of seventy both have now lost their spouses. But does, this mean they most join the ranks of the lonely, backward looking, no future to look forward to, or can they do something about it. Of course small towns are notorious for gossip, some who love to do nothing but criticize and make sure others, close to the couple know exactly what is going on.
Loved this story, so much hope, little joys and sorrows shared, just the fact that regardless of age there can be a future, one need not just give up and live only in the past. Such a powerful message, so tenderly and respectfully rendered. In the last quarter there is a little surprise, a bit of author's whimsy shall we say, but only those familiar with his other books will understand and grin.
Both sincere and wonderful this last book, shorter than his others , but still imparting every day's wisdom and challenges.